Back-end Development

Parent Track

How to win a fight with Solr

Friday, October 16
3:00pm - 3:20pm (PT)
Back-end Development / DevOps
Sometimes configuring the set up with Solr on various platforms seems like going toe to toe with Mike Tyson. In this talk I would like to give you an ear full on how to set up solr config with your local development (Docksal) and make sure the configuration can smoothly transition to your hosting services (various).

Facets in Drupal 8: supercharged filtering of listings

Friday, October 16
10:00am - 10:45am (PT)
Back-end Development
Facets is in many ways an alternative to views exposed filters – although they can work together as well. When integrated with the SOLR Search Api, Facets can also provide performance benefits.

The Sunny Side of SAML

Back-end Development
Leveraging the simplesamlphp_auth module to enable a Drupal 7/8 site to support SSO can be a daunting task for a beginner. Where do I start? I don't know what I don't know, so how can I even get started? How can I see what is going on behind the scenes? How do I debug this locally? What is SAML metadata? Spend 45 minutes with me as I share with you how I have answered these and many other questions while working with simplesamlphp and System Administrator teams to go FTW with SAML based SSO.

Environment-specific config with Configuration Split

Back-end Development / DevOps / Drupal for Beginners
In this talk, we'll explore how the Configuration Split module can be used to have certain Drupal configuration items active in specific environments (as opposed to always being active).

One accessibility mistake our entire industry is making

Accessibility / Back-end Development / Theming & Front-end
Accessibility has certainly been a talking point within our industry since we first started building websites with spacer gifs and tables. We point out that there are lots of reasons to include accessibility in our final products: more users means more customers, better SEO, it's the law. And yet at the end of projects, when developers are asked if their site is accessible, we'll say "yes, I assume so." Unfortunately, testing reveals that a whopping 70% have a serious accessibility issue. Our entire industry has been thinking about accessibility in a way that has fundamentally failed us.

Upgrading your site to Drupal 9: Real life example

Saturday, October 17
3:00pm - 3:45pm (PT)
DevOps / Back-end Development / Drupal for Beginners
We have all heard that Drupal 9 is the easiest Drupal major version to upgrade to and it's true. However, there are still some challenges to take into account if you're going to upgrade a site to this new great Drupal version.   Assistants to this session will know: Why to upgrade to Drupal 9? When you should Upgrade to Drupal 9? What are the steps needed to upgrade to Drupal 9? What are the main challenges to upgrade to Drupal 9 and how to solve them? How to do the actual migration?  

Creating complex field widgets on Drupal

Saturday, October 17
3:00pm - 3:45pm (PT)
Back-end Development
Working with custom forms can be challenging at the beginning, there are a lot of items and widgets and elements in the Drupal Form API but sometimes we have special needs that are not met by the tools we already have, it is then when we need to start thinking about creating our custom widgets. In this talk, we're going to dig deeper in the world of the creation of custom widgets, I'm gonna show you an example where we created a custom widget that transforms a JSON schema into a form inside of a bigger form in Drupal.

Testing Drupal with Cypress

Back-end Development / DevOps
Imagine you're building the perfect feature for one of the most important projects in your life, the client approves it and you deploy it to production, but then, right after you deployed, something else crashes... Oh no! Another core feature of your website just broke because of one of the changes from your perfect feature and you didn't noticed until it was already in production. This is basically in our worst nightmares, and also that's why it is so important to have a test suite for our projects.

Gutenberg Editor has reduced my development time and effort while moving from wordpress to Drupal 9!

Back-end Development / Drupal for Beginners / Content Strategy
Gutenberg editor in now in Drupal! I've been using Gutenberg editor on my old wordpress site and knowing the it is now available in Drupal has saved my time to migrate my site from wordpress to Drupal 9. Editorial experience is the most important aspect of a Content Management System. Editor’s rating to a CMS solely depends on the ease of content editing and management. 

Nodes of the Realm: Managing content access

Saturday, October 17
2:00pm - 2:45pm (PT)
Back-end Development / Content Strategy
Using Drupal’s built-in node grants and realm access system, you can control which users or user roles can perform different operations such as view, update, and delete on a per node basis. You can apply similar access control to non-node entities via access hooks.