Revisiting PHP Design Patterns in Drupal 9

While there is a difference between knowing something and knowing the name of something; the former method gives importance to knowing the name of something and the latter one ensures that a person actually knows and understands something. 

This Richard Feynman technique states that the ultimate test of your knowledge is when you can convey it to another person.

Considering this, there are many concepts of Drupal 8 based on object-oriented PHP, which we might not have nailed it earlier, so let’s get a good refresher on the same to see its implementation as well as the use cases. This session will focus on the following elements-

  • Singleton Design Pattern
  • Factory Design Pattern
  • Mediator Design Pattern
  • PHP Introspection and Reflection 
  • Services and Dependency Injection

Design patterns describe the communicating objects and classes that are customized to solve a problem in a particular context.

In simple words, they are patterns or templates that can be implemented to solve a problem in different particular solutions.

It is really important to revisit design patterns from time to time.

Key Takeaways from the session

  • Understanding of different design patterns and it's implementation in Drupal
  • Ability to identify areas where these design patterns can be implemented.
  • Ability to map design patterns with Drupal concepts.

Learn more about the content of the session from here :

Refer the slides here :

Back-end Development / Drupal for Beginners
