Password protecting the routes over HTTP

The offline businesses across the globe are always on the path of digitalizing their presence, Where the very primary and common step taken by the business is to build a web application to represent itself. Building such web-application often involves digitalization of the data like the creation of content related to the business and its customer data. This whole transformation of the information brings in a very important need of data privacy and security.

Drupal respects data security by providing various solutions out of the box that could be used readily and they vary depending on the requirements. In this session we will be focusing on the medium which is the most common way of accessing data on a web application built using Drupal, i.e - “HTTP Requests and Routes” and how we can bring in a whole new layer of security over them by covering following topics:

  • A brief introduction to Routes and Services in Drupal.
  • Advanced access checking on routes using services.
  • HTTP authentication system as a solution to protect data.
  • Applying HTTP authentication to custom routes via Routing.yml
  • Applying HTTP authentication to existing routes using Route Subscribers.
  • Pre-Configuring routes that can be password protected.
  • The Demo

The contributed Shield module comes in as a handy solution for requirements where the whole application needs to be password protected, But if you want to password-protect certain paths on the site then it's not something that is readily available for use. By the means of this session, we will build a solution that could be used by the Drupal applications across the world to password protect the selected Drupal routes.

Back-end Development
