This is Part 2 of the topic I delivered at DrupalCon 2020:
Layout Builder components can break your site. Here's how.
Watch Part 1 first to understand the problem that site builders, back-end developers and site architects face to ensure that several critical features of Drupal, including page revisioning, Workflow and Workspaces, don't break.
Here is some feedback from the first session:
Very informative topic. Will re-watch the recording to make sure I understood everything and will definitely share with my development team. Thank you!
7/14/2020 4:03 PM
Made the entire cost of drupalcon worth it just for this.
7/14/2020 3:42 PM
In this session, I will:
- get into the details of how the various types of components are stored
- why they can break these features.
- suggest some workarounds and design patterns.
Saturday, October 17
11:00am - 11:45am (PT)
Theming & Front-end
Back-end Development