How Knowing About Scarves Can Make Life Easier

I think we all grumbled when we were little and grown-ups told us to put on a scarf - they were always itchy and made it hard to breathe.
We're the grown-ups now though - and learning about the SCARF model is a breath of fresh air.

The SCARF model helps us to understand why we or someone else has been triggered into a fight or flight state.
Understanding what triggers this reaction in people gives us two superpowers:

  • Understanding what needs to happen to de-escalate a situation where someone has been triggered
  • Knowledge of how to communicate with others and make sure we don't put them into fight/flight more

In this session, we'll talk about SCARF and how it affects our relationships with our teams, our customers, and well, really anyone we interact with ever.

After this session, you'll be able to identify why people react they do sometimes - and what you can do to help when it happens, as well as how to use this knowledge to improve your communications with others.


Project Management / Being Human / Community
