Bringing peace of mind to content migrations, the Migrate QA module

Migrating content into Drupal 8/9 from earlier versions of Drupal or other systems entirely can be... challenging. Besides the technical hurdles, there are many types of people involved, each with their own valid concerns and questions.

  • Did all of the expected content migrate?
  • Does each piece of migrated content look right?
  • Are all of the references intact?
  • Is all of the data intact?
  • How many incoming pages have iframes? Or other potentially problematic markup?

The Migrate QA module provides a framework for consolidating feedback and status notes from multiple stakeholders. Content analysts, business stakeholders, subject matter experts, and developers all have access to a singular system that lives in the destination Drupal 8/9 website. This reduces the need for separate spreadsheets which easily become out of date. And most of all, it adds a new level of transparency of migration status for anyone who is invested in the migration task.

Migrate QA supports an iterative process, so you can start tracking QA status early in the migration process instead of waiting until near the end to start finding problems.

In this session, I will walk through how it is used and what problems it solves.

Back-end Development / Content Strategy
