Sponsor Resources

Thank you for sponsoring and contributing to the BADCamp community!

Day of Logistics

  • Both the calendar invites (TBA later) and the Session Schedule spreadsheet (TBA later) will have helpful info like AV support names and your Hopin links.
  • For follow ups, you can direct people to Slack, a personal Google Meet or Zoom room.
  • Booths will occur in a professionally managed Hopin space where attendees will view and chat. You are responsible for monitoring the booth, but there will be tech support if the need arises.

Sponsor Resources

  • Recording of booth walkthrough (will add link later)


Sponsor Agreement

By sponsoring and having a booth at BADCamp, the sponsor team agrees to the following:

Code of Conduct: The sponsor team has read and will abide by the BADCamp Code of Conduct.

Registration: The sponsor team understands that each individual must register for BADCamp, no later than Sept 30

Obtaining Consent: The sponsor team understands that they are responsible for obtaining any required consents, permissions, and clearances to display or otherwise use booth materials.