Room Monitor Resources

 Here’s a short overview video:

Ideally all speakers will be given moderator permission for their sessions. Speakers must first accept the registration in the Hopin invitation email in order to receive moderator permission for their sessions. Speakers who don’t accept the invitation in a timely manner may have to rely on other members of the speaking team or session monitor volunteers to perform moderator duties on their behalf.

Speakers with the moderator role can share webcam/screen without first receiving permission and can grant requests for attendees to step up to the podium and share. Moderators will see a “share audio and video” button, while attendees will see a "request to share audio and video” button. 

How it works:

  • When an attendee clicks "request to share audio and video,” the moderator will see the requester’s name in the moderation panel in the bottom left corner of the screen. 
  • Click the plus icon to allow an attendee to share their webcam/screen.
    • Say the attendee’s name to let them know you’re going to let them up to the podium. This is especially helpful if they’ve been waiting for a bit.
    • The attendee will be prompted to select their camera and microphone, then appear on the screen within a few seconds.
    • The attendee can step down from the podium by clicking the “leave” button or the moderator can immediately remove them from the screen and revoke their sharing permission by clicking the red minus icon. 
    • If the attendee leaves on their own, they will be able to click the “share audio and video” button and appear back on the screen without being granted permission again. This can be handy for co-speakers who didn’t receive moderator permission for whatever reason.
    • If you click the red minus icon, the attendee will have to request permission before they can appear on the screen again. Revoking permission is recommended to ensure attendees don’t unexpectedly appear on screen.
  • Click the to X reject an attendee’s request. 
    • You may want to do this if someone chats that they clicked the button by mistake, you don’t want to allow attendees to join you on the screen, or don’t want to engage with a specific person, etc.
    • You are also welcome to ignore the moderation panel altogether and not bother with officially rejecting attendee requests.
    • A rejected attendee will be able to request permission again.


Issue: A moderator has granted permission to an attendee, but the attendee doesn’t appear on the screen nor do they give any feedback in the chat that something is wrong: 

Solution: The attendee may have stepped away from their computer or browser or could have clicked the request button by mistake. Wait a few seconds and let them know that you’re moving onto someone else. (Note: Hopin does not allow you to revoke permission at this stage. If that attendee comes back and decides to share their webcam, they will appear on the screen. If needed, you can revoke by clicking the red minus icon on their video.)

Issue: A moderator has granted permission to an attendee, but the attendee still sees a “waiting for permission” message: 

Solution: Something may have timed out. Have the attendee refresh their browser.

Issue: Attendees no longer see the "request to share audio and video” button: 

Solution: This could mean that you’ve hit the maximum number of webcam/screen sharing spots. Have some attendees step down from the podium by clicking the “leave” button. Most sessions have ten spots. (This number includes screen sharing. For example, a session that allows up to ten spots can have eight speakers and two screen shares at the same time.)