Board Game Night

BADCamp Board Game Night Goes Virtual!


On Friday evening, starting at 4:30 pm, we’ll meet up to play on-line versions of our favorite (or soon-to-be favorite) “Euro”-style board games! Here’s how it will work:

  1. Before the event (if possible, or at the beginning of the evening), everyone will make a free account on Board Game Arena. and join the "BADCamp 2020" group on BoardGameArena. You can also look at the list of games they have ahead of time at . Each game has a link to the rules, and some have how-to-play videos, so you can prepare ahead of time. We’ll also have people on hand who know how to play some of the games, to teach/play with you if you’re new to this.
  2. Before the event (if possible, or at the beginning of the evening), everyone will join the BADCamp20 Board Gaming Discord server.
  3. At 4:30 pm we’ll get together on Discord to decide which games everyone wants to play, and separate ourselves into per-game voice channels to play them on Board Game Arena.
  4. As games finish, the people who are done playing will get back into the general Discord chat to see who wants to play another game.


We need hosts!

If you know how to play any of the games on (and better yet, if you’ve played them before on Board Game Arena), and would be willing to teach others to play them during the Board Game Night, please contact Jennifer Hodgdon (jhodgdon in Drupal Slack, BADCamp Slack, and to sign up as a board game host, and show up on Friday night with your teaching cap on.

Friday, October 16
4:30pm - 7:30pm (PT)