The crawl is back to put the social in social distancing! This is definitely a crawl, even if it looks suspiciously like a bunch of people drinking too much in front of their computers.
Join us at 4pm on October 14th for fun and prizes (currently the only prizes are the good times you have with your Drupal friends and hangovers).
The Rules:
- Obtain at least two craft beverages (beer is traditional, cider is an easy alternative, but you can surprise us).
- The beverages should be outside the norm of what you would typically buy. Maybe from a local vendor or vendors, maybe a style you haven't tried.
- Drink those beverages.
- Tell us about it.
- Or don't. You're an adult, if you want to drink Bud Light while watching a bunch of people talk about beer you don't like, I can't stop you.
Video Conference Link: